Sitemap - 2022 - Understanding children and teens by Judy Bartkowiak

Are you able to step away and 'see the wood for the trees' when talking with your child or teen?

Understanding how your child or teen processes

Learning Life Skills with LEGO

Give feedback so your child will listen

Take a chance. Make a change.

Helping your child understand their angry feelings

Join my new subscriber chat

Use NLP to change the way you see your world

How to really understand what your children are saying

Are you a parent of under 5/6yr olds?

Would you like to improve your sports performance?

Back to school for your kinaesthetic child

Upcoming events for September

Have a crystal clear start to the new term

NLP for Work

Expressive writing

I'm on Tik Tok

Use NLP anchoring for sport and fitness

What if you are already good enough?

Empower your kids this summer!

How to support your child and teen clients between weekly sessions

Confidence for Kids

Learn to control anger

Crystals and kids - podcast

Crystals and teens

You are not superwoman!

Managing exam stress

Learning styles and why they matter

Welcome to my blog for parents, coaches and teachers with posts about helping children and teens

Children's therapy, what can my child expect?

Children's therapy, what can my child expect?

Confidence and Resilience programme for Year 7 kids

Celebrating Virginia Satir

What is self-esteem?

Who says? How to get a different, more helpful perspective on the issue.

Is it time to Spring Clean your belief system?

7 ways a parent can get a better understanding of their children

Reading a children's story about anger

Understanding the process of your child's anger

Working with crystals

Birth trauma - how Matrix Birth Reimprinting works

NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner - which training option to choose

How to use NLP Anchoring to calm your child

Phew - it's the end of a busy week!

Are you making the most of feedback opportunities with your child?

Free events/workshops and webinars

How can you prepare your teen to leave home feeling confident?

Helping children with their learning struggles

FREE online workshop


More about friendship

So what don't you want this year?