Sitemap - 2021 - Understanding children and teens by Judy Bartkowiak

5 top tips for setting compelling and achievable New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Talking about friends with your children

Are you afraid of spiders?

What if happiness is inside us?

How to use NLP Anchoring to calm your child

Aroma Reiki

You are enough

Are you looking for a book in French, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch... for your kids to learn about simple NLP techniques to help them?

Tyrannosaurus Rex ate my homework Miss

Top tips for starting the day in a resourceful state


What do therapists mean by 'trauma'?

Vomiting content!

Embracing failure and vulnerability

Are you or your kids anxious about going back to school this year?

How to decide whether my live training or self-study will suit you best

How could you explain NLP to your child?

Row row row your boat .........NLP for overcoming sports performance anxiety

Knowing who you are as you consider work options

Helping children recognise their skills to overcome limiting beliefs

Use anchoring for sport

Change is a process

What is childhood trauma and how do we 'clear it'?

Identity - who am I?

Confidence and Resilience - let's face it, where would we be without them?

Helping children cope with change

Two great exercises to manage low self-esteem

Stepping away from rescuing

NLP Modelling - you already have the skills....

EFT for new mummies and daddies

How does your child learn best?

Introduction to NLP

Getting great results from anxiety buster programme

Using metaphor to get your children talking about their feelings

How to question your thoughts for help with anxiety

FREE Event - EFT for new mums and dads

Using Perceptual Positioning for childhood trauma

Exam Stress

Please join me on my Book Tour

Free pdf of Engaging NLP for Parents

Engaging NLP for Parents

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got

How to use the Anger Onion exercise with children

A year ago today

Blowing my trumpet!

Do you have a child who struggles with sleep issues?

Discover the key to success

Understanding the Drama Triangle

Tapping for anxiety

Do you feel heard?

How to reassure your children about going back to school

How do children and teens benefit from coaching?

How to have a positive mindset in parenting - applying the NLP beliefs of excellence

Return to school

Anger Onion Exercise

How to build resilience in your child

NLP Metaprogrammes - more about how your children process and learn most effectively

Understand your child's preferred way of communicating

Body Scan Exercise

Listen to me talking about how I came to write and coach

You are not alone - self compassion break technique

How to lure your teen off their phone

Coaching Update - January 21

Introducing the new NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner Course

How do your children learn best?

Worksheet for parents

Children's book on learning to control anger

Summary of my training programmes

Understanding anger in your child

NLP - what is it?

Using modelling to meet the needs of both your parent client and your child client

Control your controllables
