Have you used #visualexplorer cards?
I used them with a Year 6 girl recently.
I asked her to choose images that conjured up how she wanted to feel when she started in Year 7 in Secondary School in September.
She told me how each one represented how she wanted to feel; "turtle can find its way around anywhere", "waves are calming" "Manity reminds me of childhood and playfulness", "dog with hat is funny" "green zip is about making connections" "chicken is a new start", "flowers round the shutter is like freedom".
Then I asked her to choose images that represented how she did not want to feel.
I then asked her to choose images from her set representing what she wanted and liked, to cover and block and clear away those feelings she did not want to have.
I think this demonstrates another way to use art for healing. We established what she wanted and didn't want. The found a way to use what she wanted to block out what she didn't want. We can use images in this way to trick our mind into focusing on what we do want, in place of what we don't want.
This process also helped her to know more clearly what she wanted and didn't want as the language of the subconscious mind is colour and image.
You can train with me in Play and Art Therapy as a stand-alone course now. It used to only be part of the NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner training. https://www.judybartkowiak.com/adult-training