3 top tips for 'back to school' with positivity
For those of you with children or teens returning to school this week. I speak as a children and teen therapist with over 20yrs experience of 'back to school' and as the mother of four now grown up children.
3 tips for conversations over the next days
Turn their attention to their intention
Instead of focusing on what they fear and what they don't want, ask them what they DO want. What do they want to see, what do they want to hear and what do they want to feel?
Make it happen now
Mental rehearsal is used to set the mind up for what you want to happen. You are using the neuro plasticity of the brain to create new pathways that will bring a successful outcome. Whether they create a mood board, vision board, some abstract art, a LEGO model, or play music that inspires them, these will all help to build this intention in their mind.
Work on your own feelings because your child will pick these up
Use your eyes. Where your eyes move, connects to different parts of your brain.
Look up to your right to imagine them at school having a great time, imagine the look on their face as a happy smiley one.
Look across to your right to imagine what you'd hear if you were there, maybe hear your child laughing, chatting with friends, some new friends perhaps, maybe answering a question in class and coming home telling you it was OK
Look down to your right to imagine how they might be feeling, how you want them to be feeling, maybe overcoming initial nerves and feeling excited about the new term. Think about how proud they might be feeling to have overcome their worries of the morning.